When you finally reach the point in your life when you decide to purchase a home, a lot of emotions appear all at once. Even if you are not new to the house hunt, it can be a whirlwind of a process, even during the second or third time. DiGi Real Estate is here for you during this life-changing step in your life. We have laid out the steppingstones and all appropriate resources to help you stay informed on what is happening in the housing market.

Don’t Be Overwhelmed by the Home Buying Process

By the time you browse photos of available homes online or doing your first tour, it can be overwhelming. If you are looking for a new home due to relocating, upsizing/downsizing, or moving out, many emotions will run wild during each stage of the home buying process. But never fear! The feelings you experience are important stages during the process, and it does not matter whether it is the first time you are buying a home or not.


Where Should I Start?

“Where do I begin?” is one of the most critical questions, if not the most in general, when you start the home buying process. This same question also applies to each step you’ll take when buying a home, as they are just as important as the steps that come before and after. When buying a home, there are some typical steps that you should take:

  • Determine how much you can afford for your new home so you can set a proper budget.

  • Explore different home mortgage options with multiple lenders/banks to see which one offers the best rates.

  • Identify different home buying programs based on your specific needs and what is available in your area.

  • Work with an established, well-reviewed real estate agent on the home buying process so you know what to expect.

  • Establish a competitive offer on the home you choose so you have the best chances of getting it.

  • Contact an inspector to examine and appraise your new home to make sure everything looks good to go before the purchase.

  • Shop for new homeowner’s insurance based on the best current rate.

  • Close on your new home and celebrate on the day of closing!

By following these critical steps, your home search and home buying process is guaranteed to be smooth from the first loan application.


Which Home Buying Program Should I Choose?

Homebuying programs are available based on your specific situation. Based on occupation, income, location, and more, it is best to look at every option available to you and choose the best one that fits your needs. Always refer to the Department of Housing and Urban Development to learn more about state-specific homebuying programs that are available in your area.


Bits of Advice

Before you go, we have some last-minute pieces of advice to hand off before you begin the adventure of becoming a homeowner. Do not be afraid to fully immerse yourself in practical information that will end up being very beneficial in the long run. Here are some key takeaways:

  1. Take advantage of various podcasts that discuss Real Estate, Finance, and the Home Buying process. These ready-to-listen podcasts are available on different streaming services.

  2. Take a look at the National Foundation for Credit Counseling if you are seeking debt consolidation or needing to attend debt counseling for financial assistance.

  3. Reach out to a HUD-approved counseling agency to possibly enroll in a home buying class, especially if you are a new home buyer.


If You’re Looking to Buy a New Home, DiGi can Help!

At DiGi Real Estate, we assist new and already existing homeowners during the homebuying process, from start to finish. We thrive off recommending the best home search tips and tricks for our customers, so you have everything that you need before embarking on the first steps to ownership. Even when looking for the best mortgage rate, we have a list of highly experienced mortgage lenders who are fully vetted in providing the best possible service during the entire home buying process, no matter if you are a first-time home buyer or an experienced home buyer.

With the housing market being so unprecedented and unexpected, we are always on top of knowing how to find the perfect home that aligns with your budget.

If you have a question about the home buying process or want to begin the search for your new home, contact us below today!